Thursday, November 12, 2015

Six Wonderful Months

To: My Precious Six Month Old


I absolutely love being your mom and the time is flying by. You are pretty advanced for your age and I'm not just saying that because I'm biased. You have been ahead of the curve in every new milestone, from holding your head up to clapping your hands.

These days you weigh 22.15lbs, you are 28in long and your head circumference is 18in. You LOVE food, any kind of food but sweet potatoes and squash top the list. You didn't like peaches or peas at first but now you're ok with them. Mostly because you are ok with anything that can go into your mouth and travel to your stomach. You're my growing boy and everyone is talking about you becoming a line-backer one day. Which daddy is a huge fan of!

You roll all over the place and inch toward whatever object catches your eye. You love shadows and going for walks through the neighborhood. You've gotten on all fours a few times now, which means you will probably crawl really soon. I'm not sure I'm ready for that and at the same time I can't wait!

You LOVE music. From classical to contemporary christian, you are a fan. And it makes my heart so happy. You love when I sing to you and sometimes it is the only thing that will calm you down. A few of your favorites are, "Skidamarinkadinkadink", "I Love You," "Jesus Loves Me," and two that I've made up for you, one with your name and one from the book, "I'll Love You Forever." Watching you smile or try to sing to me brings me so much happiness. You constantly keep a smile on my face!

You are a joy my son and I love every bit of you! Can't wait for all the months to come!


Your Biggest Fan (aka mom)

Clap Your Hands

My Favorite First Born,

You have learned so many things these first six months! You've learned to smile and roll over. You've learned to inch forward and to grab what you want. You've even learned how to eat solid baby food! Which, I need to add, you were an absolute pro from the start.

But my new favorite thing you've learned... you've learned to clap your hands! You started yesterday afternoon around 3pm. I was holding you and all of the sudden you figured out you could hit your hands together to make noise. Now every time we say, "yay!" you clap your hands!

You love music so the fact that you can  make noise on your own, other than talking, has you giggling like nothing else!

You have brought so much joy to my heart. I love you, forever and always.

Love Always,


Little Love

My Dear Joshua,

You love everyone SO well and you're only 6 months old! You have yet to meet a stranger. You smile at everyone (after studying them pretty intensely).

The other day I was doing a little clothes shopping and the lady who owned the boutique offered to hold you but mentioned she wasn't very good with babies. You went straight to her and laughed. You made her day!!! She said she never thought she would be a good mother but maybe she would be since you were so sweet to her.

I LOVE that you love people. Your daddy and I have prayed that over you since the moment we knew you existed. We prayed that you would love God and love people well. We love seeing you already do that so young!

You make people feel comfortable and special just by being you!

We love you dear one!


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Joshua Benjamin Michael Genard

Dear Joshua,

Here's the long story behind your long name but first let me say, your father and I love you so very much!!!

A month after we found out you were coming, your dad and I were at a staff retreat. We were in the middle of a late night worship session and I heard God whisper to my heart, "Joshua Michael". I'm pretty sure I immediately started crying. But one thing you will learn with the Lord, many times He whispers things to prepare your heart way ahead of time. Knowing that, I quickly asked Him if that was your name or maybe your someday brother's name... No answer (you'll get used to this too, He likes to keep the adventure going and the faith alive.) I told your dad that night and he said he would pray about it.

Fast forward several months, you were so real to me! You had started moving and kicking and making your presence known but we still had not settled on your name. We loved Joshua Michael and Samuel Louis. I knew God had to speak to your dad but I started calling you Joshua anyway. :)

Fast forward another month and Reggie Roberson was in town and staying with us. He is a good friend and operates in the prophetic. He was in to prophesy over the interns and teach about the Holy Spirit. During our training time, he had everyone pray over you and then he prophesied over you! You are a warrior and from that first sentence your father knew your name was Joshua.

Now, your dad is Benjamin Martin Charles Genard and so I loved the idea of your having two middle names like him but I hadn't really said much about it. The week after we decided on Joshua, your dad and I were about to go to sleep, you were taking up so much room in my belly sleep was getting difficult but I was trying, anyway, your dad leaned over and said, "What about Joshua Benjamin Michael?" I'm pretty sure my heart almost leapt out of my chest! That was it!!! I knew that was your name. My soul filled up with joy and pride, knowing you were coming any day, your name was god-given and a sweet reflection of your earthly father.

Here's what it means:

Joshua- "Yahweh is salvation" he was the leader of Israel as they conquered the promised land and a picture of Christ. We know you will bea mighty leader who continually points people to the Truth, Jesus Christ.

Benjamin- "Son of my Right Hand/Fighting Hand" you are a warrior and our firstborn.

Michael- "who is like God?" Meaning there is no one like ourGod. Michael is the archangel and leader of heavens armies, a warrior too.

We love you so much son! You have our hearts already and while I know you're meant for great things, you will always be my firstborn son, the one who made me a mother and the joy of my heart! I love you!!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Week 22- It's a BOY

Baby G!

It is 9:30am as your father and I are in Jacksonville, welcoming in the New Year and dreaming about who you will be. We cannot wait for you to get here! As I'm typing, you are moving around like crazy! I love feeling you move, knowing you're healthy and happy inside of me.

We went to the doctor on December 19th and had her call your Aunt Molly so she could plan the party that would reveal your gender. On December 23rd we found out you are a BOY!!! We were hoping it was you and it was you!!!! We are still trying to figure out what your name should be, you are so perfect, it's got to be the perfect name.

You are already a blessing to us in every way and we cannot wait to steward your destiny, teach you football and watch you follow Christ with your whole heart! We love you so much little one!


Mom and Dad